Filtering by: Gurmukh

CONFERENCE// Yoga Conference Köln, Deutschland
to Jun 1

CONFERENCE// Yoga Conference Köln, Deutschland

Die spannendsten und inspirierendsten Namen der internationalen und boomenden deutschen Yogaszene versammeln sich erneut auf der ‘Heart Conference’ in Köln!

Seit über einem Jahrzent ist die Yoga Conference der wichtigste Treffpunkt, ausgelassenes Fest und Hotspot für tiefe Eindrücke und neue Trends für alle Yogabegeisterten im deutschsprachigen Raum.

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RETREAT// Radiant Power of Women with Gurmukh, Puerto Morelos, Mexico
to Apr 24

RETREAT// Radiant Power of Women with Gurmukh, Puerto Morelos, Mexico

In the Radiant Power of Woman Immersion, experience the wisdom and the transformation of the Ancient Teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.  A woman’s inner vitality is known by her radiant grace, self-love, courage, surrender, and joy.  Through a spiritual practice, we embrace the Divine Feminine, ignite our inner light.  Become a beacon and a blessing to ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world.  Become the Radiant Power and Light of Woman.  Return home with a way to live these Teachings.  Awaken that which you already have known for oh so long.  You will re-member who are are! 

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